A Welcome Message

“The concept of absurdity is something I'm attracted to.” - David Lynch.

Friday, 15 October 2010

It's (almost) Alive!!

It's been interesting reading the submissions for UDW #11, though I must say that most of the work in the issue was requested as most of UDW's past contributors didn't submit at all. But we must not wallow in frustration and self-loathing here at UDW. In fact, we feel this issue will be hard to beat in future, for us and other mags too. In this issue we have new poems from George Szirtes, Luke Kennard, Salena Godden, Peter Finch and Ben Mazer, to name but a few! We can't believe our luck!

Now UDW, as I have explained before, was originally intended for British post-beat urban poetry, but since hardly anyone submitted anything like what the magazine was used to, we had to improvise. Issue #11 is kind of a mixed bag, a weird string ties this magazine together, with serious poetry alongside silly little poems, and big names alongside unknowns. Whatever the reaction to this first issue from editor Bobby Parker, no one will be able to say they didn't enjoy at least half of the poems.

So, it's almost here. We are just waiting for our ISSN numbers and a free day or two to print, staple, lick stamps and all that boring stuff. It should be no later than the end of the month, we would like to get it out for Halloween, seeing as it's such a bizarre concoction, a strange brew. If you haven't subscribed, there's still time to send me your cheques (Paypal coming soon!) - I mean, check out the contributors again, go on, can you really afford to miss out?


  1. I know you have a fantastic first issue as editor Bobby, due to your hard work and unstoppable enthusiasm. I'll be subscribing and really look forward to reading it.

  2. A Belated Birthday

    Pussy cat pussy cat where have you been?
    youve been to london to see the team,
    you wanted to be in a magazine,
    with the best poem there's ever been,
    we know you that are never mean,
    So Happy Birthday from Sabre and co,
    and many more for you to know
